DS Planetary Family
Tile Pro
Edge Pro
DS Planetary FamilyDS Planetary Family

What speeds do I use for grinding?
5000 to 8000 RPM is most efficient

What about polishing?
1500 to 3500 RPM is best when using diamonds

What type of diamonds are best to use for concrete?
There are several grades of diamonds. The best (and most expensive) are the best shaped grains and they are also the hardest. The metal or resin bond that holds the diamond in its matrix is critical. A matrix for concrete is usually much harder (and lasts longer) than a matrix for granite or marble.

Price/Performance is most important. Keep in mind that the lowest price is not always the best value.

What size cup wheels can I use to expose aggregate?
5" or 4" (with 5/8 - 11 threads) wheels are acceptable that do not exceed 1.5 lb. in weight. Velcro backed 5" wheels are easier to change. Our floating back up heads will give the most consistent finish.

Can I use the DS301, DS302, DS602 or DS605 under toe kicks?
Yes! All the machines have a 4" clearance.

Can I polish to the edge?
By off-setting the discs slightly, you can work directly against the wall.

Trac StarTracStar

Can I use a 10" blade on the TracStar?
Yes, you can use a 10" blade with a standard diamond knock-out- with no modification of the saw necessary!

My saw seems to be losing traction. Is there a quick fix?
Check the rear opposite left wheel. It should be in total contact with the rail. It may need a rubber belt to resolve the problem.

My TracStar has slowed down considerably. Is there anything that I can do without a full-blown repair to resolve the slow down?
It may be that the blade needs dressing or the saw has gone out of alignment - both potential possibilities with regular use.
There are 3 quick steps to determine the problem:
1. Dress blade with steel grinding wheel - this only takes a few seconds
2. Check that the blade is parallel to the rail
3. Check vertical alignment to the stone

Call us for troubleshooting and diagnosis. It can probably be back on track without a full repair.

Tile ProTile Pro

Can I profile porcelain tiles?
Yes. You may wish to keep one bit reserved for porcelain use, since the bit will deform with use. Porcelain is usually 3 times harder than granite. Slow down the grinder or router if possible. Also use lots of water!

Is it possible to use the TilePro to bullnose backsplash material?

What speed should I use for granite?
10,000 to 13,000 rpm, the harder the material, the slower the router speed

Slab Pro Edge Pro

What size bits can I use?
We recommend bits 40mm or less.

What RPM levels should I use?
We suggest not exceeding 13,000 RPM for any concrete or stone tooling
